ELE382: Probabilistic Systems and Information Processing
Review of discrete and continuous probability
Random variables and random vectors
Conditional probability, Bayes’ rule, and independence
Expectations, moments, and moment generating functions
Gaussian random variables and vectors
Hypothesis testing, detection, and classification
Maximum likelihood (ML) rule
Maximum a posteriori (MAP) rule
Optimal detection in Gaussian noise and matched filtering
Likelihood ratio test
Random processes
Correlation and covariance functions
Spectral density and cross-spectral density
Principal component analysis (PCA) and Karhunen-Loeve (KL) decomposition
Gaussian processes
Poisson processes
Linear regression and estimation
Least squares estimation
Maximum likelihiood estimation (MLE)
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE) and Bayesian estimators
Optimal filtering for random processes
Wiener filter
Kalman filter
Inference in graphical models
Viterbi algorithm
Hidden Markov model (HMM)
Message passing for trees